Engineering Vehicle Heating Solutions
Engineering vehicles need to operate in harsh environments, and parking heaters can maintain indoor temperature and save fuel. Protects drivers from the influence of cold temperatures and effectively improves the work efficiency of engineering vehicles.
Option 1: Air parking heater
The installation of the air heater is flexible, and the installation position can be flexibly selected according to the space of the engineering vehicle. As shown in the figure, it can be installed inside the box behind the driver's seat, on the rear wall of the driver's cab, and in the protective box.
The cold air enters the heater, and after heating, the hot air is transported to the place where heating is needed through the air duct.

Option 2: Liquid heater(Water heater)
Liquid heaters are usually connected to the vehicle cooling system to achieve low-temperature engine starting, fast defrosting and defogging, space heating, and other requirements. They can be flexibly installed in the engine compartment or other positions according to the vehicle structure and heater specifications.
The heater is connected to the engine cooling system, and the coolant is heated to achieve defrosting, defogging, and vehicle heating effects through the vehicle's fan.